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The authors of Cite them right share their top tips to help you correctly acknowledge sources.
You may wish to briefly describe the main points of a concept or the general themes of a piece of work.
Whether quoting, paraphrasing or summarising, using someone’s work without crediting the source can lead to claims of plagiarism.
See an example of how paraphrasing can be used to achieve greater clarity in your own writing.
We run through the most common pieces of information that are needed when referencing.
Cite them right helps students to reference a huge range of sources: books, journal articles, websites, legal documents... even graffiti and tweets!
Developed from the bestselling book Cite them right by Richard Pears and Graham Shields, which is used as the referencing standard at many academic institutions, Cite them right is renowned for its comprehensive coverage. It’s easy to search across source types and includes both print and electronic media. There are editable examples, information on other standard referencing styles and guidance on why referencing is important.
Cite them right helps students learn how to structure an accurate reference, and to understand the value of good referencing.